Plan For The Future With Confidence

Plan For The Future With Confidence

Guardianship of a disabled person

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2020 | Elder Law

Independent living is a goal that many Maryland individuals strive for as they transition from childhood into adulthood. While it is possible for most individuals to do this, those who suffer from mental and emotional diseases and disorders may not be able to provide enough care for themselves to remain safe and healthy. When a person cannot provide for their own needs, or when they are incapable of managing their own financial affairs, they may be appointed a guardian by the courts.

What is a guardian?

A guardian is a person appointed by the courts who is responsible for managing the care and money of a person in need. Guardians undergo training and support so that they understand what duties and responsibilities they must uphold in their roles. Guardians can communicate with their charges to find out how best to serve them. They develop action plans to follow to keep their charges’ lives moving forward.

What is the guardianship file?

Being a guardian can generate a lot of paperwork on a person, and it can be difficult to keep it all organized. Guardians are required to maintain files on their charges that document the decisions, actions, and appointments the guardian manages for their charge. Over the course of a guardianship a guardian must provide updates to the court on their charge in the form of reports. The contents of the guardian file can be used to create the mandatory court reports.

Where do you start when someone needs a guardian?

Individuals who fear that loved ones in their lives may need guardianship can take proactive steps. They can choose to meet with guardianship attorneys to understand the process and requirements. The first step in the guardianship journey is to educate one’s self on the process and the many requirements that come with an guardianship appointment.