In Maryland and across the United States, the current health care situation is bringing to light the critical importance of estate planning. People of all ages frequently ignore how their assets can be impacted by failing to have an estate plan and, along with that,...
Plan For The Future With Confidence
Month: October 2020
Business as Usual during Unusual Times
In the short time before the announcement of a worldwide health emergency, Kandace L. Scherr, ESQ., managing partner at Frank, Frank & Scherr, LLC, had already decided that it was time to modernize operations. As lockdowns and shutdowns spread throughout the...
Estate planning changes and when to make them
There are certain changes that estate planners may wish to make to their estate plan and certain times to make those changes that estate planners should be familiar with. As life changes, so should the estate planner’s estate plan. Knowing when to update an estate...