Growing old often comes with increased care needs, but many seniors prefer to stay in their homes rather than move to a nursing facility. Maryland offers Medicaid waiver programs that can help your senior parent receive care at home so they can maintain their...
Elder Law
Understanding guardianship for elderly parents
Caring for aging parents often involves tough decisions, especially if they can no longer manage their affairs. Guardianship can provide a legal framework to protect their well-being, but it’s important to understand how the process works in Maryland. What is...
What is the guardianship appointment process in Maryland?
In a guardianship, the court appoints a competent adult (the guardian) to decide for an incapacitated person (the ward). Since this legal relationship is vital in protecting the interests of incapacitated individuals, what are the requirements for appointing a...
What end-of-life preparations to include in your estate plan
When making an estate plan, it could be easy to determine what to include, such as real estate properties and financial accounts usually left behind after death. There are typical or go-to estate planning options to accommodate these parts of the estate, allowing...
Sustainable strategies for your loved one’s long-term care
We want to provide the best possible long-term care for our elderly loved ones. However, the cost of nursing homes and related care expenses usually cast doubts and worries among those who consider them. Nonetheless, while it is true that providing quality care for...
Planning for long-term care
As people age, they are at a higher risk of cognitive decline and physical impairments that can prevent them from doing the daily activities they did before. Unfortunately, the possibility of a stroke or heart attack can also increase with age. Therefore, many...
What programs exist to protect elder rights?
The law has provisions protecting vulnerable Americans nationwide, including elders or older adults. Time and time again, this group can become the target of various forms of exploitation and abuse. Legal solutions, such as guardianships and powers of attorney, can...
What examples of guardianship abuse can require urgent action?
Guardianship is a setup that can protect an individual from endangerment often associated with incapacity. These risks can happen due to the ward's inability to make significant health or financial decisions for themselves. A guardian could responsibly take over, but...
What are the two types of public guardianship in Maryland?
Public guardianship is a law-enforced arrangement that gives another person or party the responsibility to make decisions for you, including concerns about your property or personal welfare. In Maryland, this program is open to elders at least 65 years old,...
Elder law can help aging individuals plan for the inevitable
Elder law addresses the legal and financial concerns of aging individuals and their loved ones. It is more diverse than you might believe. It is an integral part of the estate planning process that can help you answer essential questions regarding your future and the...