Growing old often comes with increased care needs, but many seniors prefer to stay in their homes rather than move to a nursing facility. Maryland offers Medicaid waiver programs that can help your senior parent receive care at home so they can maintain their independence. These programs provide essential services and support, allowing your loved one to age in place comfortably.
What is the community options waiver?
The Community Options Waiver, also known as the CO Waiver, is a key program meant for Maryland seniors who prefer home-based care. This waiver, which is authorized under Maryland Code, offers:
- Personal assistance services
- Home-delivered meals
- Assistive technology
- Environmental modifications
- Medical daycare
To qualify for the CO Waiver, you must be at least 18 years old, meet nursing facility level of care criteria, and have income and assets within Medicaid limits. The program aims to provide comprehensive support to help your senior parent to remain in your community.
How does the community first choice program work?
Another option for home-based care is the Community First Choice (CFC) program. Unlike the CO Waiver, CFC is not a waiver but a state plan option under the Social Security Act. When you opt for the CFC program, you can get:
- Personal assistance services
- Nurse monitoring
- Home-delivered meals
- Assistive technology
CFC has eligibility requirements similar to the CO Waiver but may be more accessible as it doesn’t have enrollment caps. This program focuses on providing your senior with the support you need to maintain their independence at home.
How can you take advantage of Medicaid waiver options?
Applying for a Medicaid waiver may involve more legal knowledge than you can provide. You may need to understand specific eligibility rules and steps to apply. An attorney who knows Maryland’s Medicaid laws can guide you on the right options and help you find the best program for your elder parent. They can help with the application, ensuring you provide all the documents needed to qualify for these valuable home care services. Remember, getting the proper support can significantly improve your senior parent’s quality of life as they age at home.