Elder laws in Maryland consist of public statutes that specifically serve geriatric people. Though elder planning can be a part of estate planning, there are differences between the two. While estate planning looks at all of your assets and prepares them for your death, elder laws specifically focus on what you have in place to fund or manage your transition into old age.
Guardians and conservatorships
Elder laws in Maryland set the criteria for when and if a guardian or conservator is needed for you. As you age, you might encounter illnesses that debilitate you from managing your own affairs. Guardians and conservatorships can be declared by you or by a judge. Guardians are those who become responsible for your children. Conservators are those who become responsible for you when you’re unfit to care for yourself.
Medical care directives
By focusing specifically on the challenges of the elderly, laws in the state allow you to establish prior medical directives. A common option you have, as an example, are do not resuscitate orders. These disqualify medical personnel from giving you life support. With the help of medical directives, you can establish which hospital you’ll go to, how much care you want or in which conditions medical intervention is allowed.
Peace of mind for you and your loved ones
Maryland elder laws establish the right you have to ensure that you age and live in retirement peacefully. Taking advantage of these laws is easier when you plan in advance. The benefits you have from such laws are binding but won’t stand if you don’t put them into place.